jdk/src/solaris - time to re-visit it?
Ulf Zibis
Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Thu Dec 1 14:23:02 UTC 2011
Am 30.11.2011 18:16, schrieb Phil Race:
> On 11/30/2011 5:15 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Am 30.11.2011 13:10, schrieb Dmitry Samersoff:
>>> count me too for src/unix
>>> +1
>> I more would like src/posix + src/winapi
> Which would be wrong. Its not just posix. More of the code in src/solaris
> is related to UI stuff like GTK and core X11 APIs than anything else and
> none of it is defined by posix. Also there's printing etc ..
Thanks for your feedback Phil, I'm not the specialist here.
I never meant just to rename 'solaris' to 'posix'. I additionally meant to move non-posix stuff to
other additional places.
> If you are going that route you'd be better to call it src/x11 and have that
> imply posix .. rather than your misleading suggestion.
I'm not sure, if I understand right. Nothing else I've proposed below by src/posix.X11 or src/posix-X11
> "unix" has a better implication of more than just posix.
> src/solaris is 13.4Mb in size.
> A "du" check of the classes and native subdirs finds that at least
> 9.7Mb that is GUI related. 4.5Mb in classes and 5.2Mb in native.
> -phil.
>> Combining Flat vs Hierarchical advantages:
>> src/common or 'general' or 'independent' in homage to platform-independent
>> src/posix
>> src/posix.BSD
>> src/posix.GNU
>> src/posix.GNU.Linux
>> src/posix.SYSV
>> src/posix.SYSV.AIX
>> src/posix.SYSV.Sun
>> src/posix.X11
>> src/winapi
>> src/winapi.32
>> src/winapi.CE
>> Or "correctly":
>> src/all
>> src/all.posix
>> src/all.posix.BSD
>> src/all.posix.SYSV.Sun
>> src/all.winapi
>> Alternative:
>> src/posix-GNU-Linux
>> -Ulf
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