please review 7122061: enable -Werror in various jdk build steps

David Holmes david.holmes at
Fri Dec 16 05:23:22 UTC 2011

Hi Stuart,

On 16/12/2011 12:59 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> The webrev is here:

Looks fine but ...

> This defines the JAVAC_MAX_WARNINGS and JAVAC_WARNINGS_FATAL variables
> in a variety of Makefiles within the jdk repository. This essentially
> adds -Xlint:all -Werror to the javac command lines, so that henceforth
> if any lint warnings are introduced, the build will fail.
> I'm applying these flags only to build steps that are already warnings
> free. (Last week's warnings cleanup effort cleared warnings from four
> build steps, in addition to knocking off a couple thousand warnings
> across the build.) I've applied this change and have built successfully
> on all platforms.
> With this change, 57 of the 93 javac build steps in the jdk repo are now
> lint warning free, and are protected from the introduction of new errors
> through the use of -Werror.

... as we're past the half-way point should we not set these by default 
and change the non-warning free steps to override them? That way as an 
area becomes warning free we would include the removal of the override 
as part of the changeset. That way when we get to being warning-free 
there should only be one occurrence of:


in the whole build system.

Just a thought ;-)

> Thanks,
> s'marks

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