Request for review of "Nice report of build times"

Fredrik Öhrström fredrik.ohrstrom at
Wed Feb 16 16:19:43 UTC 2011

As part of our future work in speeding up the build process of OpenJDK
I think it is necessary that it is easy to see the actual build times.

This is a suggested patch that reports the build times for the subrepos
in a nice manner after the build is complete. It looks like this:

##### Build times ######################################################

Started 2011-02-16 16:16

Ended   2011-02-16 16:44

Build time corba        00 hours 01 minutes 25 seconds

Build time hotspot      00 hours 06 minutes 49 seconds

Build time jaxp         00 hours 00 minutes 18 seconds

Build time jaxws        00 hours 00 minutes 22 seconds

Build time jdk          00 hours 19 minutes 13 seconds

Build time langtools    00 hours 00 minutes 29 seconds


Build time total        00 hours 28 minutes 37 seconds

The webrev is here:
What do you think?

Fredrik Öhrström

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