Installation of man page for proprietary javaws

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Feb 22 12:54:37 UTC 2011

Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> It seems that the OpenJDK build installs a man page for javaws,
> yet there is no javaws implementation in OpenJDK.  
> This only happens on 32-bit platforms, hence why I've never seen it
> myself.  I've posted a webrev:
> which disables the installation when building OpenJDK.  If you don't
> need this man page for the proprietary installation either, we could
> instead just get rid of the man pages and the appropriate lines in the
> Makefile.
> Thoughts?
Probably a small oversight that just wasn't noticed before.  I've 
created a bug to track it:

7021314: Build should not install javaws man page

The changes in the webrev look right solution to me but I'll leave it to 
Kelly to review.


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