Commit responsibilities and Lines of Defense

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Feb 22 16:41:05 UTC 2011

On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:16 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:

> On 02/21/2011 08:01 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> On Feb 21, 2011, at 1:29 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
>>> On 02/18/2011 10:09 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> It is clear to us that we cannot make the system entirely "open",
>>>> but we can provide a kind of portal
>>>> (I hate that word), or view (a better word) into what is happening.
>>>> Exposing what we legally can and
>>>> hopefully providing enough information to make the system work for
>>>> everyone.
>>>> So what do you think? Any opinions out there?
>>> This sounds like a big step forward, and a great way to show  
>>> everyone
>>> that Oracle is determined to work with the community.
>> We recognize that a model where all changes must be shepherded  
>> through
>> by an Oracle employee
>> will not scale, so we are being motivated by a bit by how we can make
>> it a true community
>> contribution situation and also not overload the Oracle engineers  
>> with
>> needless shepherding tasks.
> That's very encouraging.  This sounds like a very innovative  
> approach to
> working with the community, given that you have a half-open, half- 
> closed
> development environment.  I hope we don't get too many "No, you  
> can't do
> that, but I'm not allowed to tell you why" situations.

There is a risk of us becoming committed into a mental hospital with  
multiple personality
disorder, it is a challenge at times.  The VM guys in particular. :^(
But I do think that once we have an active public bug tracking system,  
between the public
changesets we have now, and more complete details in bug reports, the  
overall information
flow should increase.


> Andrew.

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