Help me to build openjdk on my machine

Mike Swingler swingler at
Sun Jul 10 20:37:52 UTC 2011

On Jul 10, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Max Pole <max_pole at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I hope it's the right mailing list for my question...
>> I'm trying to build opendjdk7 (bsd-port) in my PowerPC Mac. I downloaded a right bootstrap VM and got platform-independent code (corba, jaxp, jaxws etc) successfully compiled.
>> Unfortunately I cannot compile hotspot VM because of the following error:


>> The missing source is there but the complation script seems to be unable to locate it.
>> Moreover, I found out that the platform-specific code (PPC in my case) is NOT there! The directory
>> /Users/maxim/bsd-port/hotspot/src/cpu
>> doesn't contain any PPC-related code but only those for sparc, x86 and zero. I have no idea what the latter means though...
> Zero is basically an easy to port Java interpreter that currently
> supports, among many others, PowerPC (32- and 64-bit). See
>> My Question: Is PPC arch deprecated meanwhile? If not, what's the reason to strip it out from the distribution?

I don't believe there ever was a PPC port, but what you used was actually an early version of the "zero" architecture support.

>> Is there any possibility to obtain the PPC code for that VM?
> I suspect the version of Hotspot in the BSD port is old, which is why
> Zero is not compiling.

Actually, the BSD HotSpot is merged up to the very latest JDK7 HotSpot. I know, because the macosx-port derives from the bsd-port, so that BSD/Mac integration issues at the HotSpot level are handled for us.

Has anyone actually tried compiling the latest bsd-port with arch=zero on a PPC Mac?

> Even when you get it to compile, the performance may be poor, as Zero
> is just an interpreter. The related Shark project should be faster as
> it uses LLVM's JIT, and it seems to support PowerPC.
>> Any help would be highly appreciated. I'm about to contribute to a open-source project related on Java 1.6 but I cannot run that software because Apple discontinued PPC macs, their support and Java development for PPC. So openjdk is my only way to proceed...
>> Info on system I use:
>> Processor: PowerPC G5 2.1 GHz
>> System: Mac OS X 10.5.8

Just to set some expectations, the Mac OS X porting project has made a conscious decision to not support Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (for a variety of API reasons), and therefore will not support PPC. While the bsd-port may be compilable for PPC with Zero and Shark, it's native graphics support will likely remain at the Darwin/X11 level. This may or may not be an issue for your use.

AFAIK, nobody has come forward to make new builds of the BSD port for PPC/Mac using Zero, since it was fully integrated into the JDK7 mainline. Any volunteers?

Mike Swingler
Java Engineering
Apple Inc.

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