Help me to build openjdk on my machine

Dr Andrew John Hughes ahughes at
Mon Jul 11 14:19:59 UTC 2011

On 11:24 Sun 10 Jul     , Erik Trimble wrote:
> Folks,
> PPC isn't a currently supported architecture for OpenJDK - that is, no 
> one has contributed any code to support it.  I do know of several 
> proprietary ports, but that doesn't help. :-)  I don't even remember the 
> last time it was potentially supported (I'm pretty sure that PPC never 
> was supported in the OpenJDK project).
> To put in more bluntly, no one has built OpenJDK on PPC here at Oracle 
> for a *very* long time, and I don't know of any Open port anywhere else.
> It certainly would be nice for someone to come forward with a port of 
> Hotspot to the PPC/Power architecture, as the Freescale stuff (in 
> particular) is becoming very popular for embedded work.  Now that IBM is 
> part of OpenJDK, maybe they'll be interested?  (who knows)
> FYI - "Zero" the architecture, is for a zero-assembly version of Hotspot 
> (that is, a Hotspot version with as little architecture-specific 
> customizations as possible). If I were porting Hotspot, I'd start with 
> the Zero codebase, and work from there. But that's just me.
> -Erik

Debian provides PPC GNU/Linux builds, presumably using Zero:
Andrew :)

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