Review request: 7025631 "Remove the modules build support from jdk 7"

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Tue Mar 8 23:06:54 UTC 2011

  On 03/08/11 14:29, Kelly O'Hair wrote:

>  I think this looks ok, but when we spin up the jdk8 repositories, from jdk7, you will need to
>  get this all back, right?

It'll go into jdk8 repo when we integrate jigsaw into it.  I can't say
for sure whether the same makefile change will stay at that time but
likely be different.  So it'd be better to take it out.

>  I'm assuming you did full open and open+closed SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false builds?

I built open+closed SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false (jdk repo only on all
platforms and entire forest on solaris-i586).  I built openjdk with
SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=true on all platforms.  I will do SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false
for open jdk build just to be sure.

>  You may also want to look at the compare images output and make sure it matches before and after,
>  to make sure no less important files have been lost.

I did that manually.  I'm going to do make compare-image for both
open+closed and open only.

I missed the make/common/Subdirs.gmk in my previous webrev.  Do you mind
reviewing one last file:


>  -kto
>  On Mar 8, 2011, at 11:26 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>  7025631: Remove the modules build support from jdk 7
>>  Webrev at:
>>  JDK modularity is targetted for JDK 8 [1].  The modules build is supported in the jigsaw repository [2] and updated to work with the module system.  The modules build support added in JDK 7 repository should be removed.
>>  The change touches many files but it's mainly 1-line removal (removing the MODULE variable).   It also removes the class analyzer tool.  Calls to the install-module-* function can simply be removed since it copies the file to the modules temporary directory that is used only for the modules build.  Calls to the install-non-module-file function is replaced with install-file since the install-non-module-file function is equivalent to the install-file function exception that it does not copy the file to the modules temporary directory.
>>  I verified this change by building the JDK with SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false and also run the default set of jprt tests on all platforms.  I also compare the files in j2sdk-image with those in a promoted JDK 7 build (minus the files created from the deploy workspace).
>>  Mandy
>>  [1]
>>  [2]

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