JDK8 Preliminary Repository Layout

Steve Poole spoole at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Mar 11 10:11:55 UTC 2011

On 09/03/11 02:32, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> First, if we talk about the mercurial forests, it has nothing to do 
> with the Mercurial Forest Extension.
> What we really have is a set of nested repositories, sometimes called 
> our "forest" of repositories.
> This email is just about the actual layout of the repositories for jdk8.
> The initial thinking at this time is that the openjdk8 open forest 
> will look very much like openjdk7:
>    openjdk8/
>     corba/
>     jaxp/
>     jaxws/
>     jdk/
>     hotspot/
>     langtools/
> 7 repositories total. Cloned from the openjdk7 repos so we will have 
> all the openjdk7 history in the openjdk8 repositories.
> Just for discussion sake, not that you can see what is behind the 
> closed curtains, we are considering changing
> the closed overlay a little, from the current jdk7 (bold is a closed 
> repo):
>   jdk7/
>     corba/
> *deploy*/
>     jaxp/
>     jaxws/
>     jdk/
>       src*/closed*/
>       test*/closed*
>       make*/closed*/
>     hotspot/
>       src*/closed*/
>       test*/closed*
> *install*/
>     langtools/
> *pubs*/
> To something a little simplier like:
>   jdk8/
>     corba/
> *deploy*/
>     jaxp/
>     jaxws/
>     jdk/
> *closed*/{src,test,make}
>     hotspot/
> *closed*/{src,test,make}
> *install*/
>     langtools/
> *pubs*/
> The existence of these closed repos should not be a surprise, and it 
> should have no impact on the openjdk itself.
> We are just trying to consolidate and have fewer repositories. Just 
> thought it might be of interest.
> But back to the openjdk8 forest.
> Other ideas were considered:
>   * Folding jaxp/jaxws into the root or jdk8/jdk repo
>   * Separating out the jdk demos from the jdk repo to a separate 
> "demos" repository
>   * Separating out the client (awt/swing/etc) code from the jdk repo 
> into a separate repo
>   * Updating the corba sources changing it to an ant build
> None of this seemed urgent to do out of the gate, or delay getting a 
> preliminary jdk8 layout defined.
> I know there is some interest in pulling the actual jaxp/jaxws sources 
> back into their repos, that will
> be discussed separately, we have multiple issues with that, but I am 
> well aware of the pains that the
> source drop zip files have created.
> As always, we would like to get comments, or additional ideas.

Kelly - can you explain for us newbies why you have separate 
repositories?  I'm sure I can list any number of reasons but it would be 
good to get your view.   It may sound like a dumb question but it does 
help in these sort of discussions to know some of the history :-)

> Separate topics:
>   * Forest Extension and it's replacement
>   * Mercurial server update to 1.8 or newer
>   * Build&Test system [1]
>   * Open bug tracking system [2]
> -kto
> [1] 
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/build-dev/2011-February/004112.html
> [2] 
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/web-discuss/2011-March/000153.html

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