JDK8 Preliminary Repository Layout

David Holmes David.Holmes at oracle.com
Tue Mar 15 11:28:03 UTC 2011

Steve Poole said the following on 03/15/11 21:11:
> On 15/03/11 10:44, David Holmes wrote:
>> Steve Poole said the following on 03/15/11 19:27:
>>> I don't know how much cross-repo changes go on.   It would seem that 
>>> if that is minimal then the next logical step would be to
>>> remove the source for the repos you're not working on and just have 
>>> the binaries instead.    Do you see that as a worthwhile goal?
>> I'm not quite sure what you mean by this but working on different 
>> repos we often do just use the "binaries" for other parts. For hotspot 
>> for example my build process was the create the new libjvm.so file and 
>> simply drop into a JDK. I never needed to build the JDK to do that. I 
>> imagine the JDK folks do something similar and just drop an updated 
>> rt.jar into an existing JDK, or an updated libjava.so etc. Sometimes 
>> when I'm working on JDK changes I'll just use Xbootclasspath to test 
>> things out with an existing JDK.
> Do you have to still check out all the repos to build the libjvm.so ?    
> I'd like to get to the position of not having to checkout the hotspot 
> repo to build the class libraries and vice versa.

No I only checkout hotspot. That's the advantage of the "forest" 
approach - you only need to check out the repos you want to work on, 
everything else can be replaced in the build process either as an 
integral part of that build process (ie setting an import path for 
something), or by only building a sub component (eg hotspot) and 
manually dropping it into an existing JDK image.


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