7025066 Build system changes to support SE Embedded integration

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Wed Mar 16 00:10:11 UTC 2011

David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Mike Duigou said the following on 03/16/11 08:12:
>> In
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/jdk-bco/webrev/make/java/jvm/Makefile.udiff.html 
>> The section which builds the jvm.cfg seems incorrect. Rather than 
>> omitting the -server option as promised it aliases it to -client. 
>> Wouldn't 
> It never promised to omit the -server :) We alias to -client as a 
> pragmatic concession to testing which often adds -server explicitly. 
> If we didn't do that then we wouldn't be able to run hundreds of tests 
> without reconfiguring testsuites into client-only / server-only etc.

Yes, it took many years for "-client" and "-server" to be recognized on 
all relevant platforms to provide scripting portability.  We should not 
regress here!


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