Need reviewer: Disable use of VS2003

Phil Race philip.race at
Wed Mar 16 01:20:51 UTC 2011

Looks good.


On 3/15/2011 4:25 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Need reviewer: Disable use of VS2003
> Prior to completely removing the VS2003 through VS2008 makefile logic in the jdk7 makefiles,
> Phil recommended that I just disable it to start out. Seems like a grand idea. ;^)
> This does not apply to hotspot, just the jdk7 product, as a whole, and the jdk7/jdk repository.
> Use of anything other than VS2010 is problematic for the jdk7 sources and jdk7 product, and
> we officially need to use VS2010 consistently throughout development.
> 7027923: Disable VS2003 use in preparation for all VS2003 make logic removal
> -kto

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