Heads up, new jaxp source drop

Dr Andrew John Hughes ahughes at redhat.com
Mon May 2 20:54:02 UTC 2011

On 08:40 Mon 02 May     , Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> There has been a request for essentially that, more transparency on these sources.
> The downloads are also painful, I know.
> The issue with these sources is that they are effectively 'generated sources', transformed
> from master sources maintained elsewhere. Having them in the repository is too tempting
> for many developers, changing them either purposely or by accident.
> I need a mechanism that keeps these sources protected from any change except when being
> updated by a new delivery from the jaxp team (or jaxws).

There already is a mechanism... it's called "don't approve such commits".

It's especially a problem when it comes to security fixes and the 'fix' is to change one
URL to another.

> -kto

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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