Request for review: 7036525 Disable alternative source mechanism for OPENJDK builds

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Wed May 4 02:31:43 UTC 2011

John Coomes said the following on 05/04/11 02:37:
> David Holmes (David.Holmes at wrote:
>> I've just made the change as John suggested and to be honest I don't 
>> know why I didn't think of that myself. I do see your point though, by 
>> setting it the same the build will always use the ALT_SRC in the OpenJDK 
>> case - but this will be fine because it is the same as COMMON_SRC. This 
>> is only used to generate the Makefiles during the buildtree phase so I 
>> don't think it is really a concern either way.
> FWIW, I prefer the change you've made, but don't feel that strongly
> about it.
>> To be honest I'm doubting the whole rationale for this change as it 
>> means that an OPENJDK build will never use the alt-src mechanism, when 
>> according to the comments alt-src was also intended to be used by others 
>> for introducing alternative code into their builds/distributions. In 
>> those cases you may well want both alt-src and OPENJDK (given that 
>> OPENJDK could be being set at the top-level JDK makefile).
> IMHO, better if an OPENJDK build doesn't use alt-src, at least by
> default.  And I suspect you can override HS_ALT_SRC_REL from the gmake
> command line, even when OPENJDK==true (haven't tried it, though).

No. Unless you use -e a variable's value from the environment will be 
overridden by an explicit assignment in the Makefile. Which means that 
the better fix here is:

+ 36 ifndef HS_ALT_SRC_REL
   37   ifneq ($(OPENJDK),true)
   38     # This needs to be changed to a more generic location, but we 
keep it as this
   39     # for now for compatibility
   41     HS_ALT_SRC_REL=src/closed
   42   else
   44   endif
+ 45 endif


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