Request for review: do not use --sync with df during sanity check

Dr Andrew John Hughes ahughes at
Wed May 4 23:19:05 UTC 2011

On 15:37 Wed 04 May     , David Katleman wrote:
> Would be interesting to know the original objection to Andrew's change 
> last year.

If there was one, it never reached me either publicly or otherwise.
The archives show no responses.

> Absent that, I see no reason this could not be removed and the change 
> looks fine.
> When originally implemented 10+ years ago, disk space was considerably 
> smaller, as were buffers, so an accurate count was more relevant.
> Today multiple builds on the same disk are fairly common, making the 
> check itself even less useful.
> Add to that, the information being gathered is just for a WARNING, the 
> build will continue, regardless.  Hardly the need for exacting accuracy, 
> especially since the df information is then compared to static estimates 
> of how much space a build will consume.
>              Dave
>              (katleman)

This is my thinking too.  I'm happy to extend the fix to just get rid of the
check altogether if that seems appropriate.

I'll need a bug ID for this.


Andrew :)

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