Need reviewer: Added test target and makefile cleanups

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at ORACLE.COM
Thu May 12 20:05:33 UTC 2011

On May 11, 2011, at 7:54 AM, Omair Majid wrote:

>> This will take a little looking. I'll file a separate CR (7043700) on this, but no promises.
>> I don't want to backout the original changeset completely, maybe ifdef it for windows.
> I didnt mean that we should backout the changeset completely, just fix the output paths. An ifdef for windows sounds fine to me. I actually started hacking on a patch along that line, but it seemed really strange to change output paths based on the platform.  Thanks for taking a look at this.

Historically, we have always made the output path platform and arch specific.

I'll send out a review request shortly.


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