Need reviewers: 7043700: Regression for IcedTea builds (e.g. ALT_OUTPUTDIR)

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at ORACLE.COM
Thu May 12 20:39:33 UTC 2011

Need reviewers. (Omair, you will want to verify this works for IcedTea).

Some background: this changeset:
Created some issues for people setting ALT_OUTPUTDIR to a vanilla path like /tmp/foobar.
The expectation was that a debug build would show up in /tmp/foobar-debug, but it was showing
up in /tmp/OS-ARCH-debug.
The original changeset was mostly dealing with a Windows issue where you cannot just append
characters to an existing path and expect that path to be valid, so a technique of doing a /../ was used.

This fix tries to make it a bit more obvious what is going on, although I have to admit it's a confusing
situation regardless.

7043700: Regression for IcedTea builds


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