Build Infrastructure Project
Kelly O'Hair
kelly.ohair at
Fri May 20 14:31:11 UTC 2011
On May 20, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> paralyze the javac compilations
> I really really really hope you don't mean that! For other readers, I think this should be "parallelize".
yeah yeah... make fun of the Irish guy. ;^)
> -- Jon
> On 05/20/2011 07:12 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> On May 20, 2011, at 3:36 PM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>> On 13:11 Fri 20 May , Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> We now have a Build Infrastructure project!
>>>> Register for email at:
>>>> The repos will be at:
>>>> But I haven't been able to populate them just yet, having access issues.
>>>> Once the repos are primed, I hope this can get moving quickly because I want to expose
>>>> what can be done to the builds in terms of turnaround improvements etc.
>>>> -kto
>>> Hi Kelly,
>>> Sorry if I missed this already, but what is the purpose of this new project?
>> Once I can get the build-infra repos primed, hopefully you will see what we are doing.
>> I don't expect this project to last past the final jdk8 efforts, it's a sandbox for us to experiment
>> and stabilize build changes.
>> The big goal is to make builds faster, orders of magnitude faster, with some major
>> makefile re-writing and organization.
>> An additional goal is to try and make building easier, but that part of it is mostly directed
>> at the Solaris and Windows builds, Linux isn't that hard (in my opinion :).
>> The reason for the project is that this will be major build changes, and we will need
>> to experiment and share our work as quickly as possible, and openly as possible.
>> Once the changes prove to be stable and acceptable, then we will deal with the transition to
>> jdk8, and leave the jdk7 changes for potentially being included into jdk7u2, but jdk8 is
>> our primary target.
>> One sub-project will be "BuildDeps" which will try and address how the build dependencies are
>> identified and how local installs are automated. Haven't much detail on that yet.
>> The major sub-project will be a re-write of the Makefiles to remove the deeply nested Makefiles,
>> correct the target dependencies, allow for "make -j N" to work reliably, share common make logic,
>> paralyze the javac compilations, etc. Pretty drastic stuff, but if we can indeed make the builds
>> orders of magnitude faster, we hope people will welcome the changes.
>> Hopefully Fredrik and Erik will chime in for clarification when I mis-state things.
>> We are looking to turn around some of this work very quickly, so it's an E ticket ride if
>> you want to watch or join in ( ;^)
>> -kto
>>> I thought we already had build-dev...
>>> --
>>> Andrew :)
>>> Free Java Software Engineer
>>> Red Hat, Inc. (
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