Successfully building 32- and 64-bit OpenJDK 8 on WinXP/64bit with free tools only

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at
Mon Nov 7 14:36:24 UTC 2011

Hi Sean,

for me it seems to work!

I've just copied the created j2sdk-image directory to a Win2003
machine and run the demo\jfc\Font2DTest\Font2DTest.jar demo without
any problems. As far as I can see, the "freetype.dll" is available
within the JDK-image at j2sdk-image\jre\bin\freetype.dll.

Had you build the images and copied these images to the new host when
you run into the problems?


On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 4:28 AM, Sean Chou <zhouyx at> wrote:
> Hi Volker,
>     I would like to know have you tried to run gui application with the
> build on another
> windows machine which doesn't have freetype.dll installed ?  I had built jdk
> on
> windows but found that it can run gui applications in the machine built it,
> but cann't
> run gui application in machines without freetype installed.
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've put together a short description on how to build both, a 64- and
>> a 32-bit version of OpenJDK 8 on a plain, vanilla WindowsXP 64-bit
>> operating system using only free (as in free beer) tools:
>> It seems as if  it is not that hard anymore nowadays:)
>> Regards,
>> Volker
> --
> Best Regards,
> Sean Chou

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