Request to mailing list discuss rejected regarding "Re: Where have all the "fastdebug" builds gone?"
Dalibor Topic
dalibor.topic at
Thu Nov 10 14:04:46 UTC 2011
On 11/10/11 2:25 PM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
> Hi all,
> as discuss at was in the cc-list of those 3 posts, I just did "answer to all", as I thought my post would be interesting to all participants.
While that is an understandable opinion on the side of any e-mail author, in practice it is very rare that any single
e-mail message is interesting to all participants on any single mailing list, not to mention on multiple ones. See .
> I think, list moderators should accept such posts from un-subscribed senders, to avoid communication thread gaps.
As a list moderator for a couple of lists, I should point out that I almost never moderate any posts through, with
the one exception being mercurial commit messages, since missing those confuses people about commits.
> What is the right behaviour here from posters side?
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dalibor topic
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