Please review 7112160 (Kumar Srinivasan)

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Nov 17 05:24:51 UTC 2011

On 17/11/2011 6:55 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> On windows, it's more of a "give me a block of memory this big", and sometimes even if the
> system has 4GB, it might not have a 1GB hole to give you. :^(  So java just dies on startup.
> And if you make this number>  RAM, the Linux/Solaris systems could very easily just page thrash.
> We could declare that 2GB RAM is the minimum now, on all systems, and do as you say, but
> there are people out there with less RAM, I think...  not me...

Right - and while the build system already tries to account for such 
machines by lowering MIN/MAX_VM_MEMORY the settings in this makefile 
actually seem to override that and ignore it completely (which seems 
wrong to me).


> -kto
> On Nov 16, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>> Since this is the maximum memory limit and not a specified allocation why not go right to 1GB?
>> The netbeans launcher scripts also have some nice code which could determine an appropriate maximum for a given configuration.
>> Mike
>> On Nov 16 2011, at 12:00 , build-dev-request at wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here is a tiny change to increase the heap space for javadoc, during the
>>> jdk build,  this allows the build to complete and speeds up the build as
>>> well.
>>> fyi. The heap space was on the borderline of  running out of heap and cause
>>> an OOM,  some recent changes  have increased the memory requirement,
>>> and tipped the scale over.
>>> Thanks
>>> Kumar

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