jdk/src/solaris - time to re-visit it?

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Sun Nov 27 21:29:28 UTC 2011

 On Thu, 24 Nov 2011 15:39:59 +0100  Fredrik ?hrstr?m <fredrik.ohrstrom at oracle.com> wrote :
> When we rename directories, we lose a lot of
> information in the source control system.

hg moves don't cause any of the history to be lost. Some tools (including NetBeans) follow the history through renames and copies without any special intervention needed by the user at all. I don't believe this should be an impediment.

> Necessary yes, but at least we should try to do it just once.
> As for the naming:
>  posix is the name of a standardized API to unix-like operating systems.
>  winapi is the name of the defacto API to windows systems.
> No-one answered my question if we need to track the posix pedigree? I.e.
> gnu, sysv and bsd?

Only if necessary hopefully. As we have shared and platform code we might have 

  |    |--SYSV
  |    |    |--solaris
  |    |    |--aix
  |    |    
  |    |--gnu
  |    |    |--linux
  |    |    |
  |    |--BSD
  |         |--darwin
  |         |--freebsd

This is an imaginary sharing/specialization hierarchy, not the source hierarchy. Only the nodes that are actually required would need to exist--if there is no specialization needed between darwin and freebsd then neither node need exist.

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