Code Review 7103549: Remove dependencies on libjava and libjvm from security libraries

Vincent Ryan vincent.x.ryan at
Fri Oct 21 17:01:06 UTC 2011

Those changes look fine.

On 10/21/11 04:43 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> All of the security native libraries have runtime dependencies on libjava and
> libjvm, most of which are completely unnecessary. This CR proposes to remove
> these dependencies and provide localized versions of the trivial utility
> functions that are being used from libjava, i.e. the JNU_ThrowXXX functions.
> There is also a dependency on JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs which can easily be removed
> by caching a reference to the JavaVM when the library is loaded, in JNI_OnLoad,
> and making this reference available within the library itself.
> -Chris.

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