Confused about Windows build

Fredrik Öhrström oehrstroem at
Wed Oct 26 16:34:44 UTC 2011

2011/10/17 Ulf Zibis <Ulf.Zibis at>:
> So do I really need to buy a VS 2003, or is there some "workaround" with the
> Platform SDK on Windows XP?

You might be interested in the build-infra/jdk7 forest.

I just posted this to build-infra-dev

It builds on WindowsXP, using Visual Studio 2010 Express (free edition).

1) Install Visual Studio.

2) Install cygwin + devel + zip and any other thing the configure
script might complain about.'

3) Install freetype from and copy
libfreetype.dll.a into the more useful name freetype.dll
It usually installs in: /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/GnuWin32

4) From the cygwin shell
./configure --with-jvm-variant=server --disable-javac-multi-core
--disable-javac-deps --disable-javac-server
--with-freetype=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/GnuWin32

5) make

6) ./build/windows-i586-server-release/jdk/bin/javac
   ./build/windows-i586-server-release/jdk/bin/java Test


Anyone cares to test?

However jconsole does not work. As probably any other graphical
program. I know some parts that are still missing. :-) Will fix that.

If you forget to do the disables above, then the build will be much
much slower because of a bug that forces a 2 minute timeout after each
repository. To be fixed.


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