code review request for initial JDK FDS support (7071907)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Thu Apr 12 21:03:28 UTC 2012

The wonderful T&L nightly testing caught an error in my changes
that were reviewed on this thread. On Linux and Solaris, I installed
the .debuginfo files for programs in $JAVA_HOME/bin. I made a
mistake in the way I interpreted what I was seeing in the Windows
code and in $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin. Long story shorter... we shouldn't
install .debuginfo files for programs.

7160895 3/3 tools/launcher/ attempts to launch .debuginfo

The fix is a simple tweak to changes reviewed on this thread:

diff -r d922195b678d make/common/Program.gmk
--- a/make/common/Program.gmk   Wed Apr 11 07:26:35 2012 -0700
+++ b/make/common/Program.gmk   Thu Apr 12 13:38:36 2012 -0700
@@ -268,6 +268,11 @@ else
            $(ZIPEXE) -q $(@F).diz $(@F).debuginfo ; \
            $(RM) $(@F).debuginfo ; \
+          # save ZIP'ed debug info with rest of the program's build 
+          $(MV) $@.diz $(OBJDIR)
+        else
+          # save debug info with rest of the program's build artifacts
+          $(MV) $@.debuginfo $(OBJDIR)

After generation of the program's .debuginfo file, we move it
to the build directory that has the rest of build artifacts,
i.e., .o files etc. We generate the .debuginfo file in the bin
directory because that is where the link phase puts the program
binary in a Linux and/or Solaris build.

On Windows, the program, the .map and the .pdb files are generated
in the build directory and only the program (.exe) is copied to
the bin directory. So in a Windows build, the program binary is
in the build directory and the bin directory and on Linux and
Solaris the program binary is only in the bin directory.


On 4/9/12 2:51 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> Greetings,
> Coming soon to a JDK repo near you! Full Debug Symbols!
> OK, to just a subset of libraries and programs... on Linux and Solaris...
> If you're a Windows fan, the JDK repo has had Full Debug Symbols support
> since way back in JDK1.4.1... Now we're trying get Linux and Solaris
> caught up...
> Runtime Team, we don't have much in the JDK repo, but I tried to cover
> our few libraries and programs. Let me know if I missed anything...
> Serviceability Team, all of your demos, libraries and programs are
> covered... for some reason, updating those seemed like reliving old
> times and I didn't think you'd mind... :-)
> Here is the webrev URL:
> Thanks, in advance, for any review comments.
> Dan
> P.S.
> For those of you that are keeping track of all the FDS
> changesets, not everything has hit the various master
> repos yet. As a reminder, FDS has to hit the closed
> install repo first. The open root and jdk repos along
> with the closed deploy repo are in the second wave. And
> the hotspot repo, being more Mercurial than his fellow
> ghosts, will make his appearance in his own good time
> (and via a different set of repos)...
> Apologies to Dickens, of course... :-)

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