BUilding OpenJDK Binaruy

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at
Fri Apr 13 09:54:12 UTC 2012

H Frans,

I've recently wrote a step-by-step instruction on how you can build
OpenJDK 8 on Windows with free tools but the instructions should apply
to OpenJDK 7 as well:

Keep in mind that these instructions still use the "old" build infrastructure.
With the new one, the build may be easier, but I haven't tried it yet
and the new build infra is only available in the JDK8 tree anyway.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Frans Thamura <frans at> wrote:
> hi all
> i am working for a proposal for setup team for building openjdk binary
> because we know, there is no binary in, and dunno what is
> oracle plan for openjdk
> but for heavy java user here, we try to invest in here
> we need a spec to make OpenJDK 7 can run in our computer
> and we sill start promote to education entity, how to build openjdk, and
> also use it in their deployment
> sorry may be this is a common question, i just join this mailing list.
> hope this is the right mailing list to ask this
> esp in windows environment, or linux (newest ubuntu), is it a problem?
> F

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