First build-infra push to jdk8 -- try out the new build system!

David Holmes david.holmes at
Fri Apr 20 23:11:17 UTC 2012

Hi Brian,

The "docs" are here:

with a small cheat-sheet at the end for some old v new options, but I 
don't see everything eg docs/samples/demos. "configure --help" may also 
show you what you need.

BTW I think debug and fastdebug are skipped by default.


On 21/04/2012 8:53 AM, Brian Goetz wrote:
> Is there a list of "features" that can be turned on and off? With the
> old build, I customize it with environment variables like
> lots of time off the build. Are there equivalent configure flags for these?
> On 4/12/2012 5:47 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>> The build-infra project [1] has been working for a while with creating a
>> new build system. The goals of the project include, but are not limited
>> to, improved build performance and improved ease of use.
>> The first part of this project has now been pushed to the jdk8 master
>> forest. This means that the new build system is available for you to try
>> out! The old build system is still there, and if you want to continue to
>> use it, you will notice no difference (for now...).
>> But if you are interested in trying the new build system, we welcome you
>> to experiment with it! The basic operation is:
>> cd common/makefiles
>> ../autoconf/configure
>> make
>> More information is available in the new build README [2]. If you want
>> to try the new build system, please read it first.
>> Please note that the new build system is not yet complete. We do not yet
>> have full platform support, nor are all parts of the old build converted
>> (but then we fall back on the old build system), and there are likely to
>> be bugs. Most of all, we need to have exposure on a wide range of
>> different build systems, since the reality is always so much messier
>> than you'd want to believe. :-) Please help us to resolve such issues
>> early by trying the new build system!
>> Any questions or discussions on the new build system should be sent to
>> build-dev at
>> /Magnus
>> [1]
>> [2]

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