requirements for building on Mac?

Ray Kiddy ray at
Sat Apr 21 22:36:08 UTC 2012

I am seeing differing statements about what is needed to build jdk7u-dev. Which is correct?

The page at says "Packages built on SnowLeopard (10.6) and tested on SnowLeopard (10.6) and Lion (10.7)."

The page at says "Prerequisites to build... Mac OS X 10.7.3."

And when I actually try to build on 10.6.8 (using the instructions on, I get:

	ERROR: FreeType version  2.3.0  or higher is required. 
	 /bin/mkdir -p /Users/ray/Projects/openjdk/jdk7u-dev/build/macosx-amd64/btbins

	rm -f /Users/ray/Projects/openjdk/jdk7u-dev/build/macosx-amd64/btbins/freetype_versioncheck
	Failed to build freetypecheck.  

	Exiting because of the above error(s). 
	make: *** [post-sanity] Error 1

So, should I try to get around this error, or is building on 10.6 just not going to work? And if it should work, should this be stated on the page?

I had been able to build a couple of months ago. But perhaps the landscape is changing?

thanx - ray

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