Request for Review: Execute the build logger with the help of a shell if the x permission is not set

Dmitry Samersoff Dmitry.Samersoff at
Mon Apr 23 16:01:03 UTC 2012


I'm second to Kelly.
We shouldn't have executable scripts in repository.


On 2012-04-23 10:16, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> If this file can never really have execute permission in the repositories, then encouraging people to put
> execute permission on it creates a risk that they might try to commit that change, and then their changeset would get
> rejected. A big annoyance.
> So why not just always run $(SH) and skip the 'if -x' test?  Isn't that simplier? And will always work?
> -kto
> On Apr 23, 2012, at 3:54 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 21/04/2012 12:14 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>> In the build-infra hg repo, we allowed execute permission to be set on
>>> files, including common/bin/, which is called by the Makefile.
>>> The official hg repos strip this bit, so when integrating to the build
>>> forest, this was lost, causing the Makefile to fail since it can't
>>> execute
>>> This fix looks if the x permission is there, otherwise it calls
>>> using the shell.
>>> Webrev:
>> You could save yourself a bit of duplication using:
>> if test ! -x $SRC_ROOT/common/bin/ ; then
>> fi
>> or even factor out
>> LOGGER_SH=$(SRC_ROOT)/common/bin/
>> David
>> -----
>>> /Magnus

Dmitry Samersoff
Java Hotspot development team, SPB04
* There will come soft rains ...

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