Request for Review: Add Mac OS X Instructions to README-builds.html

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Wed Apr 25 16:25:09 UTC 2012

On 4/25/12 3:02 PM, Edvard Wendelin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on some updates in the README-builds.html [1]. The first step is to add the Mac OS X platform. I have gathered the requirements from the Mac OS X port wiki [2][3].  It seems like Apple has dropped the "Mac" part of "Mac OS X" and now only call the product "OS X Lion" [4].  Question is if this is only a marketing term or if it's now the official name. In this webrev I've used "Mac OS X". 
I'd suggest adding a line a la 

"After installing XCode, you must install the XCode command line tools. They are available for download through XCode itself."

dalibor topic
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