Incorrect bootstrap jdk in documentation

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Mon Apr 30 19:03:50 UTC 2012

The make sanity checks, and the README-builds.html file has been collecting dust kind of purposely.
We are working on a new build infrastructure setup for jdk8, and I'm reluctant to spend much time on these
things because they may or may not make any sense to keep around after we cut over to the new build infrastructure.
And we need to concentrate on that new build-infra work.


On Apr 21, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Martijn Verburg wrote:

> Hi John,
> I'm not sure going forwards if the documentation is supposed to cover all OpenJDK forests (in terms of version numbers, that is, OpenJDK 7 and OpenJDK 8) or whether the documentation will diverge depending on what forest you're in. I've got a few doc patches I'm holding off on until we know which way this is going to go.
> I've CC'd in Cecilia and Iris, (Ben and I had a meeting with Cecilia and Tomas about this last week) to see if they can shed some light, as I know they're intending to update the developer docs shortly.
> Cheers,
> Martijn
> On 17 April 2012 15:03, John Oliver <johno at> wrote:
> I was building jdk8 and noticed that your documentation generally states that you need a jdk 1.6.0 as a bootstrap, in the following files:
> When I tried to build using 1.6.0 I received the following:
> ERROR:Your  BOOTDIR  environment variable doesnot  point
>       to a validJDK  for  bootstrapping this build.
>       A  JDK  8   build must be bootstrapped using
>       JDK  1.7.0  fcs (or  later).
>       Apparently, your bootstrapJDK  is version1.6.0
>       Please  update yourALT_BOOTDIR  settingand  start your build again.
> When I retried using 1.7.0 as a bootstrap it was fine. I presume those files need to be updated to reflect that you now need at least 1.7.0.
> Thanks
> John
> -- 
> John Oliver
> InsightfulLogic

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