Code review request for Linux DEBUG_BINARIES/FDS fix (7188168)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Wed Aug 1 17:22:48 UTC 2012


I have a fix for the following Linux specific FDS bug:

     7188168 4/4 7071904 broke the DEBUG_BINARIES option on Linux

Here is the URL for the webrev:

What the fix does is reorder and slightly tweak the Makefile logic
that supports the DEBUG_BINARIES make option:

- when 'DEBUG_BINARIES=true' is specified, the '-g' option is
   added to the CFLAGS make variable and none of the other
   {DEBUG,FASTDEBUG,OPT}_CFLAGS variables are touched
- this fix prevents doubled '-g' options and combined '-g' and
   '-gstabs' options
- depending on the particular Linux config being built, a
   compilation will have a single '-g' or a single '-gstabs' or
   neither of those options

The Linux embedded builds doesn't support FDS yet so most of
those compiles fall into the "neither" bucket...

Thanks, in advance, for any reviews.


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