RFR: 7181175 Enable hotspot builds on Windows with MinGW/MSYS

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Fri Aug 3 22:09:09 UTC 2012

Gotta put 'tbell' in there some where...

Can I add you as a reviewer?


On 8/3/12 3:58 PM, Tim Bell wrote:
> Thanks, Dan
> How about this for a commit message:
> 7181175: Enable builds on Windows with MinGW/MSYS
> Summary: This fix is the minimum number of Makefile changes to enable 
> building HotSpot with MinGW/MSYS
> Contributed-by: volker.simonis at gmail.com
> Reviewed-by: jcoomes, dcubed,
> Tim
> On 08/03/12 13:45, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>> Thumbs up on this version.
>> Do you have a commit message ready for this patch?
>> Dan
>> On 8/3/12 1:26 PM, Tim Bell wrote:
>>> On 08/02/12 14:20, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tbell/7181175/webrev.01/
>>> Thanks for the review, Dan.
>>>> make/windows/makefiles/defs.make
>>>>     No comments.
>>>> make/windows/makefiles/rules.make
>>>>     lines 28-33: Might want to comment on why these paths still
>>>>         use backslash instead of forward slash.
>>> OK - done.
>>>> make/windows/makefiles/sa.make
>>> Oops, my error.  Thanks for catching these, Dan.  This goes to show 
>>> how long these MinGW/MSYS changes have been in play...
>>>> lines 88, 90:
>>>>         These lines drop the "/YX" option instead of changing it to 
>>>> "-YX".
>>> Fixed.
>>>> line 97:
>>>>         This line adds back the "-Z" option and drops the "/YX" option
>>>>         instead of changing it to "-YX".
>>> I added back the -YX and removed -Z.
>>>>         The "-Z" option is conditionally added on line 99.
>>> Ah - I see it now.  Good.
>>>> line 106:
>>>>         This line adds back the "-map -debug" options.
>>>>         The "-map" and "-debug" options are conditionally added on 
>>>> line 108.
>>> Fixed.
>>>> make/windows/makefiles/shared.make
>>>>     line 43: Might want to comment on why these paths still
>>>>         use backslash instead of forward slash.
>>> OK - done.
>>> I submittted a new JPRT test job with these changes 
>>> (2012-08-03-171845.tbell.hotspot) that completed successfully.
>>> New webrev here:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tbell/7181175/webrev.02/
>>> Or if you prefer, here are the diffs relative to my previous webrev:
>>>> +SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 $(GX_OPTION) -Od -D 
>>>> "WIN32" -D "WIN64" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D 
>>>> "_MBCS" -YX -FD -c
>>>>  !elseif "$(BUILDARCH)" == "amd64"
>>>> -SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 $(GX_OPTION) -Od -D 
>>>> "WIN32" -D "WIN64" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D 
>>>> "_MBCS" -FD -c
>>>> +SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 $(GX_OPTION) -Od -D 
>>>> "WIN32" -D "WIN64" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D 
>>>> "_MBCS" -YX -FD -c
>>>>  !if "$(COMPILER_NAME)" == "VS2005"
>>>>  # On amd64, VS2005 compiler requires bufferoverflowU.lib on the 
>>>> link command line,
>>>>  # otherwise we get missing __security_check_cookie externals at 
>>>> link time.
>>>>  SA_LD_FLAGS = bufferoverflowU.lib
>>>>  !endif
>>>>  !else
>>>> -SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 -Gm $(GX_OPTION) -ZI 
>>>> -Od -D "WIN32" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D "_MBCS" 
>>>> -FD -GZ -c
>>>> +SA_CFLAGS = -nologo $(MS_RUNTIME_OPTION) -W3 -Gm $(GX_OPTION) -Od 
>>>> -D "WIN32" -D "_WINDOWS" -D "_DEBUG" -D "_CONSOLE" -D "_MBCS" -YX 
>>>> -FD -GZ -c
>>>>  !if "$(ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS)" == "1"
>>>>  !endif
>>>> @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
>>>>  SA_LD_FLAGS = -manifest $(SA_LD_FLAGS)
>>>>  !endif
>>>>  SASRCFILE = $(AGENT_DIR)/src/os/win32/windbg/sawindbg.cpp
>>>> -SA_LFLAGS = $(SA_LD_FLAGS) -nologo -subsystem:console -map -debug 
>>>> -machine:$(MACHINE)
>>>> +SA_LFLAGS = $(SA_LD_FLAGS) -nologo -subsystem:console 
>>>> -machine:$(MACHINE)
>>>>  !if "$(ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS)" == "1"
>>>>  SA_LFLAGS = $(SA_LFLAGS) -map -debug
>>>>  !endif
>>>> --- /x/jdk8/7181175/hotspot.00/make/windows/makefiles/shared.make 
>>>> 2012-07-18 12:11:25.954735638 -0700
>>>> +++ /x/jdk8/7181175/hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/shared.make 
>>>> 2012-08-03 10:15:53.249176409 -0700
>>>> @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
>>>>  !ifdef SUBDIRS
>>>> +# \ is used below because $(MAKE) is nmake here, which expects 
>>>> Windows paths
>>>>         @if not exist $@ mkdir $@
>>>>         @if not exist $@/local.make echo # Empty > $@/local.make

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