Review Request: 8004803: build-infra: Cannot use icedtea as boot for closed build.

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Dec 11 18:47:55 UTC 2012

Ok, what is confusing me is the name JAVAC_JARS.
This not a list of jars, but command line options.  Can we please rename this variable?


On Dec 11, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Tim Bell wrote:

> See the message thread on build-infra with subject "Problems with non Oracle boot JDKs and class file version 52"
> The issue appears if the bootstrap VM uses a class file version older than what the current build is generating.
> In this particular case, the bootclasspath needs to be supplied to javac and not the java running javac.  Changing the order of the arguments to be after the javac .jar means javac will process them.
> Tim
> On 12/11/12 10:20, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I don't understand the change.
>> What is in JAVAC_JARS that changing it's position on the command line makes any difference?
>> -kto
>> On Dec 11, 2012, at 5:03 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> This patch corrects the command line for symbol creation.
>>> /Erik

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