
Prerak Trivedi trivediprerak at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 12 00:15:56 UTC 2012

Hello everyone,

My Name is Prerak Trivedi and I am working on Java, JEE since beginning of my career. I have started my career more than 8 years ago with JDK 1.2 version. Right now I am using jdk 7 u 9 and Jrockit1.6_24 which comes with Weblogic Server 11g. I have worked upon AWT packages, JEE packages, EJB 2.0, JEE Design patterns. This all are in respect to as a Developer and lead of the team.

By Profession , I am full time IT contractor and work with different clients in different domain such as Finance, Pharmaceutical,Utility, Communication and Retail Businesses with Supply Chain management process. 

Up to now I got an experience how client project get implemented and how thing goes with respect to requirement and how java fulfill that requirement with its extensive set of API. I am not saying I know all the API classes or I am expert of Java but I am quite confident that now I am in a position to return back some knowledge to Java community after this much amount of experience in this platform.

I wish I give something new to this community by contributing with my knowledge will benefit some one in this world. If that benefit to one person I will consider it as nice achievement of my life.

Hope to see you all in community and see more communication on JDK development and enhancements. Please feel free to contact me for any question or sharing a knowledge about JDK, compiler design, API classes design or any other new field of JDK which I might not be aware of.

Prerak Trivedi

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