code review request for 7153050 remove crufty '_g' support

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Thu Dec 13 23:32:07 UTC 2012

Adding back in the other OpenJDK aliases...

Ron's e-mail has gone off-line (no e-mail for him since 1440 MT)...


Thanks for the review!

This bug (7153050) is just for the Makefile changes so that the
reviews are more focused. Ron has separate bugs for the other parts
of the hotspot repo that need to be fixed. I believe he is going to
attack the src/... paths in his second fix.


On 12/13/12 4:13 PM, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
> Ron,  I'm so happy this is going away.    The code changed looks 
> good.  There are some comments in some files that refer to the old 
> jvm_g.dll and   Can you remove these too?
> carrs% ygrep -l libjvm_g
> ./os/bsd/vm/os_bsd.cpp
> ./os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp
> ./os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp
> carrs% ygre jvm_g.dll
> ygre: Command not found.
> carrs% ygrep jvm_g.dll
> ./os/windows/vm/os_windows.cpp:// Find the full path to the current 
> module, jvm.dll or jvm_g.dll
> ./share/tools/ProjectCreator/            + 
> "jvm.dll and jvm_g.dll; no trailing slash>");
> Thanks,
> Coleen
> On 12/13/2012 03:53 PM, Ron Durbin wrote:
>> Thx again
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel D. Daugherty
>> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 1:51 PM
>> To: build-dev; serviceability-dev at; 
>> hotspot-runtime-dev at; Ron Durbin
>> Subject: Re: code review request for 7153050 remove crufty '_g' support
>> Serguei,
>> Thanks for the fast review!
>> I could swear that Ron had removed lines 41 and 45 in an earlier 
>> version. Sigh... Will be fixed.
>> Dan
>> On 12/13/12 1:22 PM, serguei.spitsyn at wrote:
>>> Dan,
>>> It is nice fix and simplified many places.
>>> Just one minor comment:
>>> make/bsd/makefiles/dtrace.make
>>>     41 #LIBJVM_DB = libjvm_db.dylib
>>>     42 LIBJVM_DB = libjvm_db.dylib
>>>     45 #LIBJVM_DTRACE = libjvm_dtrace.dylib
>>>     46 LIBJVM_DTRACE = libjvm_dtrace.dylib
>>>      The lines #41 and #45 can be removed.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Serguei
>>> On 12/13/12 10:53 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> I'm sponsoring this code review request from Ron Durbin. This change
>>>> is targeted at JDK8/HSX-25 in the RT_Baseline repo. Please make sure
>>>> you include Ron on any e-mail replies since he is not yet on the
>>>> OpenJDK aliases.
>>>> Dan
>>>> Intro:
>>>> This set of changes removes the makefile support for generation of
>>>> debug versions that follow _g semantics.
>>>> Defect:
>>>> 7153050 "remove crufty '_g' support from HotSpot repo"
>>>> Webrev
>>>> Details:
>>>> Many makefiles have been modified to remove all reference and support
>>>> for debug versions that follow _g semantics.

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