How to Pass Javac Option in the New Build

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Fri Dec 21 08:29:30 UTC 2012

I don't believe this has been properly addressed yet, but there are a 
couple of ways to change the flags to javac that work now. Note that 
these variables might change and we aren't officially declaring this as 
a supported method.

JAVAC_FLAGS is added to all javac command lines. It's defined in 
spec.gmk (by configure) but is currently empty and setting it on the 
command line should override.

DISABLE_WARNINGS is set in jdk/makefiles/Setup.gmk and defines a long 
-Xlint parameter disabling most (if not all) warnings. Overriding it 
would be a first step towards enabling warnings in the jdk repo.

Both of these need to be on the command line to be overridden.


On 2012-12-20 23:54, Dan Xu wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder how I can pass javac options in the new build systemto enable 
> javac warnings. In the old build, I can set environment variables to 
> enable build warnings. For example, JAVAC_LINT_OPTIONS="-Xlint:all", 
> JAVAC_MAX_WARNINGS="true", and JAVAC_WARNINGS_FATAL="false". How can I 
> get similar warning output in the new build? Thanks!
> -Dan

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