Fwd: PPC Linux 64 needs -fsigned-char option for gcc

Sean Chou zhouyx at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Dec 24 03:59:26 UTC 2012


Move the thread to build-dev as Alan suggested. CC build-infra-dev because
the " -fsigned-char" option is not found in new build infrastructure for

The problem is ppc64 and closed code related, it is sent to openjdk because
the minimum ppc support code(in old makefiles, not in new build
infrastructure) can help solve the problem.

Hope this is the right mailing list. Please take a look.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sean Chou <zhouyx at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 5:40 PM
Subject: PPC Linux 64 needs -fsigned-char option for gcc
To: Java Core Libs <core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net>,
ppc-aix-port-dev at openjdk.java.net, David Holmes <David.Holmes at oracle.com>


We found -fsigned-char is added to ppc platform, but not added to ppc64
platform. As they are different platforms, I think it is needed for ppc64
as well. Currently I just added one line modification as follow, but there
may be more places to modify. If some one can give some comments, I can
make a complete webrev.

The buggy scenario we found needs closed code to reproduce, so it is not
reproduced with current openjdk build on ppc linux from AIX porting
project. I tested with ibmjdk, the patch works.

I found CFLAGS_REQUIRED_ppc is from changeset
http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk/rev/54d8193f177b  . Is it enough
to add ppc64 option for places ppc appears in that patch?

///////////////////////// the patch ////////////////////////

diff --git a/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk b/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
--- a/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
+++ b/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
 LDFLAGS_COMMON_sparc    += -m32 -mcpu=v9
 CFLAGS_REQUIRED_arm     += -fsigned-char -D_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 CFLAGS_REQUIRED_ppc     += -fsigned-char -D_BIG_ENDIAN
+CFLAGS_REQUIRED_ppc64   += -fsigned-char -D_BIG_ENDIAN
 ifeq ($(ZERO_BUILD), true)
   ifeq ($(ZERO_ENDIANNESS), little)


Best Regards,
Sean Chou

Best Regards,
Sean Chou

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