Debug Info in class files

Ben Evans benjamin.john.evans at
Thu Dec 27 10:25:08 UTC 2012

Hi Miten,

You may also want to think about joining the Adopt OpenJDK project - a
number of our members may well be interested in use cases like this.


On 26 Dec 2012 12:13, "miten mehta" <imiten at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was using eclipse ide to remote debug tomcat web app which used oracle
> jdk 7.  The ide was unable to open source for kerberos classes.  I learned
> that not all source is available in of oracle jdk.
> I then tried to use openjdk source while debugging against oracle jdk but
> then I observed few things like for certain classes the local variables
> info was not available (may be because the classes for them were not
> compiled with -g option to add debug info).  Now eclipse pulls up source
> for those kerberos/gss related classes but I cannot really get to debug
> what ever I want since lot of information is not available.
> how can I use openjdk to resolve this issue since I know there are
> instructions to install/build open jdk on debian but then will the class
> have debug info unlike oracle one ?
> Regards,
> Miten.

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