Review for 7141242: build-infra merge: Rename CPP->CXX and LINK->LD
Erik Joelsson
erik.joelsson at
Thu Feb 2 08:58:05 UTC 2012
I've intentionally left out all VS project files. I'm not sure but I
suspect that CPP is some kind of standard name for the compiler in that
context. I'm happy to hear I didn't mess up the project creation!
On 2012-02-02 09:01, Staffan Larsen wrote:
> Those generated files are Visual Studio projects for VS version 6 (I think). Really old stuff. I don't think these are used (nor is VS 6 supported), so we should eventually clean out that code. I wouldn't bother fixing it.
> /Staffan
> On 2 feb 2012, at 08:51, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> I have not looked closely at your changes, so don't consider this a review. What I did do was apply your patch and try to create a Visual Studio project with the create.bat script. That still works. Nice!
>> One thing I noticed is that the ProjectCreator tool generates some files for the ADLC builds. These files still use the CPP name. Since it still works to create a project I don't know if this needs to be changed. But maybe it is good to be consistent.
>> Here's where we use the CPP name:
>> src\share\tools\ProjectCreator/
>> 68: printWriter.println("CPP=cl.exe");
>> 145: printWriter.println("# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu");
>> 149: printWriter.println("# ADD CPP /Yc\"incls/_precompiled.incl\"");
>> 210: rv.add("ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /WX /GX /YX /Fr /FD /c");
>> 217: rv.add("ADD BASE CPP "+Util.prefixed_join(" /I ", includes, true));
>> 218: rv.add("ADD CPP "+Util.prefixed_join(" /I ", includes, true));
>> 219: rv.add("ADD BASE CPP "+Util.prefixed_join(" /D ", defines, true));
>> 220: rv.add("ADD CPP "+Util.prefixed_join(" /D ", defines, true));
>> 221: rv.add("ADD CPP /Yu\"incls/_precompiled.incl\"");
>> 230: rv.add("ADD BASE CPP /MD");
>> 231: rv.add("ADD CPP /MD");
>> 252: rv.add("ADD BASE CPP /Gm /Zi /O"+opt);
>> 272: rv.add("ADD CPP /O"+getOptFlag());
>> And these are the generated files:
>> build\vs-amd64/compiler2/generated/ADLCompiler.dsp
>> build\vs-amd64/tiered/generated/ADLCompiler.dsp
>> Bengt
>> On 2012-02-02 03:33, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Erik,
>>> On 1/02/2012 7:13 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>> 240 lines changed: 0 ins; 19 del; 221 mod; 6363 unchg
>>>> 7141242: build-infra merge: Rename CPP->CXX and LINK->LD
>>> Lots of CCC to CXX too :)
>>> One compatibility concern: anyone currently setting CPP_FLAGS or LINK_FLAGS etc, externally, will need to change to the new names. Probably worth sending a wider email (jdk8-dev?) when this gets pushed.
>>> ---
>>> make/bsd/makefiles/gcc.make
>>> - CPP = $(CXX)
>>> + CXX = $(CXX)
>>> infinite recursion or a tautology? :)
>>> ---
>>> make/*/makefiles/launcher.make
>>> Not your doing but this has highlighted some strange rules eg:
>>> + $(QUIETLY) $(CC) -g -o $@ -c $< -MMD $(LAUNCHERFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)
>>> C++ flags passed to C compiler?
>>> ---
>>> make/*/makefiles/rules.make
>>> -# $(CC) is the c compiler (cc/gcc), $(CCC) is the c++ compiler (CC/g++).
>>> +# $(CC) is the c compiler (cc/gcc), $(CXX) is the c++ compiler (CC/g++).
>>> The original code is confusing, given that CC is the C compiler it makes no sense that a C++ compile be called CC_COMPILE. Is it worth changing these to CC_COMPILE and CXX_COMPILE? Maybe a secondary cleanup?
>>> And again C++ flags passed to C compiler :(
>>> ---
>>> You missed a couple of scripts on Windows that use LINK_VER:
>>> windows/
>>> windows/
>>> Cheers,
>>> David
>>> -----
>>>> The build-infra project is starting to move into jdk8. For the hotspot
>>>> build to stay compatible with the changes, the naming of standard make
>>>> variables, like CC and LD need to be standardized across the build.
>>>> Currently hotspot names the C++ compiler CPP, which is traditionally the
>>>> name of the preprocessor. The windows nmake files name the linker LINK.
>>>> We would like to rename the C++ compiler to CXX and have the linker
>>>> named LD everywhere.
>>>> Patch is tested with hsx/hotspot-rt. Testing with jdk7u is in progress.
>>>> /Erik
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