Review for 7141242: build-infra merge: Rename CPP->CXX and LINK->LD

Fredrik Öhrström fredrik.ohrstrom at
Fri Feb 3 13:45:45 UTC 2012

2012-02-03 02:43, David Holmes skrev:
> Hi Erik,
> I think this has gone as far as it needs for now. My visual inspection 
> of these changes looks okay.
> My lingering concern is the impact on external scripts etc that may set 
> some of the renamed flags. Even I have a build script that sets things 
> so that I don't get complaints about using the wrong compiler version on 
> Solaris.
> David

The changes looks good.

Erik, can you create a "hg export" patch
and put with the webrev so that David can commit for us as quickly as



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