Adding asm to JDK 8

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Feb 3 15:47:54 UTC 2012

On 03/02/2012 15:07, Brian Goetz wrote:
> The current plan is to use ASM long-term to generate classes at 
> runtime.  Now, it is possible that "something better will come along" 
> (perhaps needed functionality will be provided by JSR-292 in the 
> future) but we're not banking on this.
> The EE team has also asked that we officially include ASM in the base 
> distribution, so they can get rid of the seven copies of ASM that are 
> floating around in Glassfish.
> My thinking was that the base module would have a private 
> (non-exporting) dependency on ASM, so that even though the language 
> runtime uses ASM, users only get it when they ask for it.
While Jigsaw can handle circular dependencies it might be a bit odd for 
the base module to have a non-optional dependency on another module. 
Having asm potentially loaded by a different module class loader may 
also require consideration.


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