Adding asm to JDK 8

Jim Holmlund james.holmlund at
Sat Feb 4 00:58:11 UTC 2012

On 2/3/2012 9:11 AM, Phil Race wrote:
> Oh, its for lambda! Thank you for mentioning that. I had no clue what we
> needed this thing for :-), may be it was obvious to the rest of the world
> but not to me and I was surprised it wasn't mentioned in Jim's email.
Sorry about that.   I thought I was jut giving a heads up to the infrastructure group.   I planned 
on sending out more info to a wider group later.
> But does it really need its own new repo ?  I think there needs to be a discussion on this
> as  I'd like to see *fewer* of them. How enormous is this thing ?
Sure we can discuss it.  What are is the process for such a discussion - eg, who gets to make the 
final decision?
At the moment, I am busy with a bug but I'll get back to you...
> Can't be that big if there's a copy buried in jax-ws
The current size of the repo is about 18MB (includes .hg/ and the working files, including doc, 
eclipse stuff, web stuff, tests, ...).  I don't know if we need the extraneous stuff or not.  The 
classes.jar that gets built from the asm repo and imported into rt.jar is about 270KB.  But this 
doesn't include all the items Brian mentioned (eg, it doesn't include the util and common pkgs that 
Brian mentioned), so changes might occur here.
- jjh

> -phil.
> On 2/3/2012 3:46 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 03/02/2012 04:04, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>> Great.  That would give a good starting point.
>>> Mandy
>>> On 2/2/2012 7:34 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:
>>>> The main ASM distribution is broken into 5 jars, based on how people tend to use it; this is 
>>>> probably a good starting candidate for module boundaries.
>> Brian - I also think we'll need a brief overview on usage too. In particular, is the plan to run 
>> ASM at runtime and is this the plan for the long term too or will it be replaced by something in 
>> the core to generate the classes as runtime? (I'm been too busy to track many of the details of 
>> lambda).
>> -Alan

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