Is anyone able to build on Win 7

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Feb 14 19:07:01 UTC 2012

Fantastic information set.  Many thanks for all this digging.

I suspect, that our build infrastructure work may help, in that if we get rid of the nested makes,
then I can only assume we will be doing fewer stat() calls, but I think we still have a problem.

A year or so ago, I managed to reduce the fork/exec count by 50% thinking it would improve windows
build times, it did very little, I was disappointed, and assumed the bigger spike had to be related to I/O.
So I tried a fast SSD on a Windows machine, which sure made it quiet, but also didn't help much.

So I'm with you on the stat() theory, makes a great deal of sense.


On Feb 14, 2012, at 6:59 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Fredrik Öhrström
> <fredrik.ohrstrom at> wrote:
>> 2012-02-14 12:29, Volker Simonis skrev:
>>> To cut a long story short:
>>> - disabling "on access" scanning of *.{java,c,cpp,h,hpp} seems to
>>> resolve the file io problems (permission denied, access denied)
>>> - disabling ASLR seems to resolve the "fork" problems
>> Great work! Do you know if disabling ASLR affects the fork performance
>> on 64 bit windows?
> No, definitely not.
> The build time on my DualCore i7 @ 2.7 GHz notebook with 8GB Ram is
> constantly 1h43min for a full JDK8 opt build.
> Now that that the build seems stable I want to compare it with a Linux
> build in a VirtualBox VM on the same host.
> I'll let you know the results once I'm done, but I don't think that
> "fork" is the big problem - at least not the only one.
> But once you asked here's my main suspect since long time (you asked
> so you have to read the conspiracy:)
> stat (or lstat/fstat/stat64 ...)
> ---------------------------------
> I'm quite sure that the poor implementation of stat in Cygwin and its
> usage in make is one of the main reasons
> why the build Windows build is so terrible slow in Windows compared to Linux.
> I first realized this years ago when I was first building Windows
> inside a VMWare image with the sources on
> network shares. The build times were excessively long and it was not
> the compile times because SMB shares
> do a quite efficient caching - it was the times which make needed in
> order to check the build dependencies.
> The build times could be improved by factors if the sources were moved
> to a local disc.
> But even locallly, I think that the stat calls for large dependency
> lists as we have them in the OpenJDK build
> may still be one of the causes for the slow build. Running make inside
> strace will reveal the shear number
> of these calls and there is evidence that the stat performance is
> really poor in Cygwin.
> I'll attach some unsorted links to some of the resources which discuss
> this issue just in case somebody wants to
> deep dive into this topic. I'm definitely not a Windows/Cygwin expert
> and I can't promise I'll have the time
> to solve it 'real soon' but I'll definitely stick to this topic
> because it is a real PITA (especially if you want to
> change your build from MKS to Cygwin the developers who will first
> love you because freed them from of
> the MKS licensing night mare will very soon kill you because of the
> build times:)
> "performance issue with cgywin make"
> - mailing list thread which compares the bad performance of Cygwin
> make with MS nmake and discusses
> how some of the problems have been solved in CMake by using direct
> windows sys-calls instead of stat.
> "make 3.82 performing more stat() calls than 3.81"
> - mailing list thread discussing a bug in make 3.82 which leads to
> even more calls to stat
> (and has been fixed already in the head revision of make)
> "Cygwin Performance and stat()"
> - very long thrad, very ‘flamy’, no outcome, some interesting infos nevertheless
> "cygwin: Use native Win32 API for stat"
> - partial patch for the problem by implementing a stripped down
> version of stat which does just enough...
> "_NutFastStat(), _NutFastStat64()"
> - MKSs limited but faster version of stat (not sure if MKS make uses
> this, but that may be an
> explanation why builds under MKS are reported to be considerably
> faster compared to Cygwin builds
> "Managing Projects with GNU Make, 3rd Edition, The Power of GNU make
> for Building Anything, By Robert Mecklenburg"
> - Chapter 10: "Improving the Performance of make" freely available as
> PDF download:
> "Compile time Local Cygwin vs. VMware session on same system"
> - mail thread suggesting the usage of ‘dash’ instead of ‘bash’ for a
>> 10% performance improvement
>> //Fredrik

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