RFR: 7115200

Robert Ottenhag robert.ottenhag at oracle.com
Fri Jan 20 08:47:13 UTC 2012


as discussed with you off-line, I see that you were only following 
existing patterns, which IMHO is a good thing and simplifies further 

So let's go with the with the changes in 7115200.u2.



On 01/20/2012 08:46 AM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
> Inline.
> On 01/19/2012 11:00 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I tend to agree with Robert.
>> -kto
>> On Jan 19, 2012, at 9:14 AM, Robert Ottenhag wrote:
>>> Rickard,
>>> * make/com/oracle/Makefile:
>>> - just skip the separate JFR variable and use "SUBDIRS += jfr" to 
>>> add to the previously defined SUBDIRS variable, or if necessary 
>>> "SUBDIRS = jfr $(SUBDIRS)" if it is necessary to build it first, 
>>> which I doubt.
>>> + ifndef OPENJDK
>>> +   ifndef JAVASE_EMBEDDED
>>> +     SUBDIRS += jfr
>>> +   endif
>>> + endif
> Sure, I just tried to follow the existing conventions of the file. 
> I've changed it to be SUBDIRS += jfr.
>>> * make/common/Defs.gmk:
>>> - skip VPATH0.h and prepend it using
>>> + ifndef OPENJDK
>>> +   VPATH.h = 
>>> + endif
> Once again I tried to reuse existing patterns (VPATH.java). Using the 
> suggested pattern also fails as makefile variables are "lazy", so 
> rather than prepending you are creating an infinite loop.
> /R
>>> /Robert
>>> On 01/19/2012 11:03 AM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
>>>> David,
>>>> thanks for the review.
>>>> I've tested with JAVASE_EMBEDDED=true and there is no jfr.jar in 
>>>> j2sdk-image/jre/lib, the same is true with OPENJDK=true. Running 
>>>> without those creates the jfr.jar in that directory.
>>>> I added another set of ifndef's to get rid of warnings.
>>>> The change is here: 
>>>> http://http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rbackman/7115200.u2/webrev/
>>>> Thanks
>>>> /R
>>>> On 01/19/2012 01:24 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> Rickard,
>>>>> This looks okay to me (have you tested setting JAVASE_EMBEDDED?)
>>>>> For the record once 7130909 is pushed I'll be looking at moving 
>>>>> the JFR
>>>>> build rules, and the SE Embedded build rules out of the Open 
>>>>> repository.
>>>>> David
>>>>> On 18/01/2012 6:48 PM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
>>>>>> Please review the updated webrev, David Holmes pointed out that we
>>>>>> shouldn't build JFR for the embedded environments.
>>>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rbackman/7115200.u1/webrev/
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Rickard
>>>>>> On 01/17/2012 04:26 PM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
>>>>>>> CR7115200: Add Java FlightRecorder phase 1
>>>>>>> Makefile changes to enable builds of the JDK with JFR.
>>>>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rbackman/7115200/webrev/
>>>>>>> CR: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7115200
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Rickard
>>> -- 
>>> Oracle
>>> Robert Ottenhag | Senior Member of Technical Staff
>>> Phone: +46850630961 | Fax: +46850630911 | Mobile: +46707106161
>>> Oracle Java HotSpot Virtual Machine
>>> ORACLE Sweden | Folkungagatan 122 | SE-116 30 Stockholm
>>> Oracle Svenska AB, Kronborgsgränd 17, S-164 28 KISTA, reg.no. 
>>> 556254-6746
>>> Green Oracle
>>> Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help 
>>> protect the environment
>>> -- 

Robert Ottenhag | Senior Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +46850630961 | Fax: +46850630911 | Mobile: +46707106161
Oracle Java HotSpot Virtual Machine
ORACLE Sweden | Folkungagatan 122 | SE-116 30 Stockholm

Oracle Svenska AB, Kronborgsgränd 17, S-164 28 KISTA, reg.no. 556254-6746

Green Oracle

Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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