RFR: 7133124 Remove redundant packages from JAR command line

John Coomes John.Coomes at oracle.com
Mon Jan 30 02:35:52 UTC 2012

Dmitry Samersoff (Dmitry.Samersoff at oracle.com) wrote:
> Kelly,
> > The serialize checkins issue can be minimized some by using
> > distributed SCMs (Mercurial, Git, etc)
> We have chosen a model:
> build->test->integrate
> but we may consider different approach:
> integrate->build->test->[backout if necessary]

In that model, you can never rely on the repository having any degree
of stability.  It may not even build at a given moment.

>   Developer (A) integrate his changeset to an integration workspace
>   Bot takes snapshot and start building/testing
>   Developer (B) integrate his changeset to an integration workspace
>   Bot takes snapshot and start building/testing
>   if Job A failed, bot lock integration ws, restore it to pre-A state,
>   apply B-patch. unlock ws.

Don't forget the trusting souls that pulled from the integration repo
after A inflicted the breakage:  they each waste time cleaning up a
copy of A's mess.


> On 2012-01-29 23:52, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> > 
> > On Jan 29, 2012, at 10:23 AM, Georges Saab wrote:
> > 
> >>>
> >>> I'm missing something. How can everybody using the exact same system
> >>> scale to 100's of developers?
> >>
> >> System = distributed build and test of OpenJDK
> > 
> > Ah ha...   I'm down in the trenches dealing with dozens of different
> > OS's arch's variation machines.
> > You are speaking to a higher level, I need to crawl out of the basement.
> > 
> >>
> >> Developers send in jobs 
> >> Jobs are distribute across a pool of (HW/OS) resources
> >> The resources may be divided into pools dedicated to different tasks
> >> (RE/checkin/perf/stress)
> >> The pools are populated initially according to predictions of load and
> >> then increased/rebalanced according to data on actual usage
> >> No assumptions made about what exists on the machine other than HW/OS
> >> The build and test tasks are self sufficient, i.e. bootstrap themselves 
> >> The bootstrapping is done in the same way for different build and test
> >> tasks
> > 
> > Understood. We have talked about this before.  I have also been on the
> > search for the Holy Grail. ;^)
> > This is why I keep working on JPRT.
> > 
> >>
> >> The only scaling aspect that seems at all challenging is that the
> >> current checkin system is designed to serialize checkins in a way that
> >> apparently does not scale -- here there are some decisions to be made
> >> and tradeoffs but this is nothing new in the world of Open community
> >> development (or any large team development for that matter)
> > 
> > The serialize checkins issue can be minimized some by using distributed
> > SCMs (Mercurial, Git, etc)
> > and using separate forests (fewer developers per source repository means
> > fewer merge/sync issues)
> > and having an integrator merge into a master. This has proven to work in
> > many situations but it
> > also creates delivery to master delays, especially if the integration
> > process is too heavyweight.
> > 
> > The JDK projects has been doing this for a long time, I'm sure many
> > people have opinions as to how
> > successful it is or isn't.
> > 
> > It is my opinion that merges/syncs are some of the most dangerous things
> > you can do to a source base,
> > and anything we can do to avoid them is usually goodness, I don't think
> > you should scale this without some
> > very great care.
> > 
> >>
> >>>
> >>> And that one system will naturally change over time too, so unless
> >>> you are able to prevent all change
> >>> to a system (impossible with security updates etc) every use of that
> >>> 'same system' will be different.
> >>
> >> Yes, but it is possible to control this update and have a staging
> >> environment so you know that a HW/OS update will not break the
> >> existing successful build when rolled out to the build/test farm.
> > 
> > Possible but not always easy. The auto updating of everything has
> > increased significantly over the years,
> > making it harder to control completely.
> > 
> > I've been doing this build&test stuff long enough to never expect
> > anything to be 100% reliable.
> > Hardware fails, software updates regress functionality, networks become
> > unreliable, humans trip over
> > power cords, virus scanners break things, etc. It just happens, and
> > often, it's not very predictable or reproducible.
> > You can do lots of things to minimize issues, but at some point you just
> > have to accept a few risks because
> > the alternative just isn't feasible or just can't happen with the
> > resources we have.
> > 
> > -kto
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Dmitry Samersoff
> Java Hotspot development team, SPB04
> * There will come soft rains ...

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