Patch for: 7132779: build-infra merge: Enable ccache to work for most developer builds.

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Jan 31 21:38:27 UTC 2012

On 1/02/2012 5:53 AM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
> Looks good, but where is the new jre_release_version() method used?

It's currently only used in some closed code. The new method avoids the 
need to make the JRE_RELEASE_VERSION define available to that closed code.

I don't understand the comment on the new method though. Not sure what 
stringstream has to do with this actual method.

Otherwise looks good to me. I'm assuming that the actual problem is the 
ccache compares the defines used for a compilation and so if the version 
string contains a timestamp and gets updated on each (incremental?) 
build then ccache thinks it has to recompile.


> /Staffan
> On 31 jan 2012, at 13:31, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
>> Hello hotspot-runtime-dev and build-dev!
>> This is a patch to enable ccache to work for all builds,
>> not only builds where the build number has been explicitly set.
>> Webrev is here:
>> Exported hg patch is here:
>> Is it good enough, so that you can commit for me Robert?
>> Thanks!
>> //Fredrik

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