Review: Removing GenerateNativeHeader where not needed

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Jul 3 18:42:46 UTC 2012

Reviewed it, looks fine.

Unless I hear loud screams from anyone, I'll do test builds and push this change into jdk8/build in the next few hours.

FYI, created this CR

7181508: Remove GenerateNativeHeader on awt java file


On Jul 3, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:

> The build infra project added the use of the annotation GenerateNativeHeader. It was addded to java classes without native methods that were listed in the old makefiles as needing headers generated for them. It was noted then that some of those classes didn't actually need native headers. To clean things up, we have tried to identify the empty headers and removed the annotation for those classes.
> <>

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