jdk8 makefile changes
Kumar Srinivasan
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.COM
Tue Jul 10 14:32:17 UTC 2012
after modifying the spec.gmk, the build is progressing.....
> It looks like autoconf has messed up.
> From the config.log
> HOSTLD='C:/devtools/cygwin/bin/link.exe'
> It has picked cl.exe correctly, oopsie on link.exe.
> Kumar
>> On 10/07/2012 10:59 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>> nOn 7/9/2012 5:20 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> On 10/07/2012 9:51 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>>>> On windows, I see a failure when building hotspot, as as follows.
>>>>> Kumar
>>>>> link.exe /SAFESEH /manifest kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
>>>>> winspool.lib codlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
>>>>> oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
>>>>> Wsock32.lib winmm.lib /nologo /machine:I386 /opt:REF /opt:ICF,8 /map
>>>>> /debug
>>>>> psapi.lib /subystem:console /out:adlc.exe main.obj adlparse.obj
>>>>> archDesc.obj arena.obj
>>>>> dfa.ob dict2.obj filebuff.obj forms.obj formsopt.obj formssel.obj
>>>>> opcodes.obj
>>>>> output_.obj output_h.obj
>>>>> /usr/bin/link: extra operand `kernel32.lib'
>>>> It looks like it is trying to run the GNU link command instead of the
>>>> Visual Studio one.
>>> one other clue, VS10 is not in its standard install location, setting
>>> the path to the VS's link
>>> does not help, so autoconf has inferred the wrong path it seems.
>> config.log will tell you what configure did and did not do.
>> I don't know if Windows builds are supposed to work yet :) But again
>> hotspot is largely untouched so however you had to set things up to
>> build hotspot before, you will likely still need to do now.
>> David
>> -----
>>> Kumar
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>>> Try `/usr/bin/link --help' for more information.
>>>>> NMAKE : fatal error U1077:
>>>>> 'C:\WORKSP~1\JDK8-B~1\build\WINDOW~1\UNCYGD~1.EXE' :
>>>>> return code '0x1'
>>>>> Stop.
>>>>> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2'
>>>>> Stop.
>>>>> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program
>>>>> Files\MSVS10\VC\BIN\nmake.EXE"'
>>>>> : retur
>>>>> code '0x2'
>>>>> Stop.
>>>>> make[2]: *** [generic_build2] Error 2
>>>>> make[1]: *** [product] Error 2
>>>>> make: *** [hotspot-only] Error 2
>>>>>> The jdk8/build forest has been in sync for a few days, so anyone
>>>>>> willing to try the new build system with OpenJDK 8, please
>>>>>> follow these instructions:
>>>>>> hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/build jdk8-build
>>>>>> cd jdk8-build
>>>>>> sh ./get_source.sh
>>>>>> cd common/makefiles
>>>>>> ../autoconf/configure
>>>>>> make images
>>>>>> Let us know what works, what doesn't.
>>>>>> Many of us will be concentrating on binary comparisons over the next
>>>>>> few days to insure that we are building
>>>>>> everything we did before, and the same content.
>>>>>> -kto
>>>>>> On Jul 3, 2012, at 11:38 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>>>>> Heads up...
>>>>>>> We expect to do a sync up of the jdk8/build forest with the
>>>>>>> latest in
>>>>>>> the build-infra forest in the next few days.
>>>>>>> As the new build-infra project starts getting more solid and we
>>>>>>> contemplate when we can switch
>>>>>>> the default to building with the new build-infra Makefiles (we
>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>> know exactly when yet).
>>>>>>> **** IMPORTANT NOTICE ****
>>>>>>> It will be important that *anyone* making *any* changes to the jdk8
>>>>>>> Makefiles keep the build-dev
>>>>>>> or build-infra mailing lists informed.
>>>>>>> For a period of time we need to maintain two separate build
>>>>>>> mechanisms, and we want to make sure
>>>>>>> that both build the same thing.
>>>>>>> The hotspot repository is the one exception where we don't have two
>>>>>>> sets of makefiles, but we still
>>>>>>> would like to know when anyone is changing the makefiles or
>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>> to do with the build process.
>>>>>>> *****************************
>>>>>>> We will soon be running both builds and doing comparisons of the
>>>>>>> resulting j2sdk-image files from
>>>>>>> both to insure we match. So if we detect differences we will be
>>>>>>> tracking down how those differences
>>>>>>> happened (that's a hint that we will be watching :^).
>>>>>>> More information on the new build-infra Makefiles can be found at:
>>>>>>> http://openjdk.java.net/projects/build-infra/
>>>>>>> User Guide is at:
>>>>>>> http://openjdk.java.net/projects/build-infra/guide.html
>>>>>>> Some preliminary timings for building the product image
>>>>>>> (effectively,
>>>>>>> build/j2sdk-image/):
>>>>>>> OLD NEW build-infra times (All estimates, similar VMs/Zones)
>>>>>>> linux_i586 (21m 59s) (08m 13s)
>>>>>>> linux_x64 (13m 34s) (07m 04s)
>>>>>>> solaris_i586 (26m 14s) (11m 31s)
>>>>>>> solaris_sparc (54m 02s) (28m 21s)
>>>>>>> windows_i586 (55m 49s) (32m 22s) (old used MKS, build-infra only
>>>>>>> uses
>>>>>>> CYGWIN)
>>>>>>> windows_x64 (36m 36s) (23m 50s) " " "
>>>>>>> Notes:
>>>>>>> * Machines with more processors will reduce the build time for
>>>>>>> build-infra builds, less so with the old Makefiles.
>>>>>>> * Always use local disk or /tmp (all above timings use /tmp, always
>>>>>>> local disk)
>>>>>>> * Above uses VMs for Windows and Linux, raw hardware would be
>>>>>>> faster
>>>>>>> * Use of ccache can sometimes speed things up, but can also skew
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> timings,
>>>>>>> in the above measurements OLD used ccache, NEW did not.
>>>>>>> -kto
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