Need reviewer

David Katleman david.katleman at
Mon Jul 16 20:07:30 UTC 2012

On 7/16/2012 10:52 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Minor change to the get_source/hgforest scripts to allow for trailing //
> Plus adding the whitespace normalizer perl script to the openjdk7updates forest.
> 7184406: Adjust get_source/hgforest script to allow for trailing // characters


>   101         pull_newrepo="`echo ${pull_default}/${i} | sed -e 's@\([^:]/\)//*@\1 at g'`"
>   102         cline="hg clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}"

Shouldn't the extra trailing slashes be removed from ${i} as well?    Or 
it's just because the values of ${i} are set only in the script itself 
and won't have trailing /?

Otherwise the changes look fine.


> 6625113: Add the normalize and rmkw perl script to the openjdk repository or openjdk site?
> 7184406: Adjust get_source/hgforest script to allow for trailing // characters
> -kto

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